Primary Care Network Instructors – Hailey & Jonah
My Way to Health – 8 Week Program
Week 4 – Dave – 6’4” 295.6 lbs.
We’re now halfway through my healthy living course and the pendulum has swung back .4 pounds to the upside and although I will continue to monitor my weight, I now choose to focus on the other components of the healthy living journey.
Week 4 – We continue to check up on the guidelines introduced in the previous 3 weeks. Food journaling and your exercise plan are integral parts of the whole lifestyle change and will therefore need to be a lifelong commitment to be successful. One of the major changes introduced in week three was the concept of making ½ your plate vegetables at dinner. Although this is a tough thing for me to do, my wife has introduced me to the “veggie tray” with a “Roasted Red Pepper Hummus” dip which is truly evil (Recipe included). I used to think vegetables were bait to get the animals to come closer but now … damn vegetables.
Creating balance in your life includes but is not limited to trying to bring Spirit (Relationships, Community, Life Purpose), Mind (Playtime, Personal Growth, Work) and Body (Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep) into balance.
Inviting someone to go with you could relate to exercise (It's easier to exercise with someone else) or for a social outing such as a play, sporting event or concert.
Planning to make healthy meals at home saves time, money and promotes better overall nutrition.
Web: www.hc-sc.
Web and App: My Fitness Pal
Web and App: EaTracker
Below is the link to the Primary Care Network which has numerous resources available to assist you in your healthy lifestyle choices both emotionally and physically. Red Deer PCN – Red Deer Primary Care Network.
See you next week with a week 5 update.